Thursday, November 20, 2008

The American Auto Industry

Should they get a government bailout or not? It's a question tons of people are wondering. Thousands of Americans have jobs in that industry. Stocks have fallen, low. So what's a president elect to do? I think Michael Moore said it best in an interview with Larry King:

Moore: We can't let all these people lose their jobs because of the bad decisions, the stupid decisions made by the management of these auto companies. I think what has to happen here is that Congress needs to pass some legislation, and our president-elect needs to do what Roosevelt did.

When Roosevelt came in and when World War II faced the country, Roosevelt said to General Motors and Ford, you're not going to build cars anymore. You're going to build airplanes and tanks and guns and the things that we need for this war because we have a national crisis. General Motors had to do what Roosevelt told them they had to do.

King: What do you want them to do now?

Moore: President-Elect Obama has to say to them, yes, we're going to use this money to save these jobs, but we're not going to build these gas-guzzling, unsafe vehicles any longer.
We're going to put the companies into some sort of receivership and we, the government, are going to hold the reigns on these companies. They're to build mass transit. They're to build hybrid cars. They're to build cars that use little or no gasoline.

We're facing a national crisis, not just an economic crisis, but a crisis of the polar ice caps are melting. There's only so much oil left under the Earth. We're going to run out of that, if not in our children's time, our grandchildren's time.
There's got to be a plan set out to find other ways to transport ourselves in other ways than using fossil fuels.
(To read the entire interview, visit CNN.)

MINT: All hope is not lost. Not for jobs, not for the auto-industry, not for the stock market. Well thought out plans are being made, we can all rest easy.

PS: I know what those of you who know me well may be thinking- "ohhhh, Kristel drive a Japanese made car- a Subaru!" But AHHA! Subaru's are made in West Lafayette, an Indiana town about 1.5 hours South of me... so although the company is Japanese, I bought locally (hopefully saveing on the emissions it would have taken to ship my car from Japan) and supported local jobs. LOVE SUBARU <3>

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

FIA Conference- Chicago.

What an amazingly awesome event FIA was! I met tons of professionals in the financial industry, and was greatly inspired in one way or another by all of them. I was able to hear stories about how events like this used to be vs. how they are now. I'm excited to see how these events will continue to evolve in the future: incorporating more Asian/world exchanges, more technological advancements, more women.

Don't get me wrong, I love entering into a huge hall full of well dressed men! However, I also loved talking to the women I did have the pleasure of meeting. Seems to me it takes a special woman to break into the financial industry and stay there. Opinionated, energetic, cutting edge- great qualities I hope to sharpen.

Strange to me though, how so many individuals there looked so familiar. Or who's names sounded so familiar.

MINT: Trade shows rock.
PS- so does Chicago.

Friday, November 7, 2008

MINT (ie: refreshing aspect supporting my realization)

So what do people buy during recession anyway? MINT mental note for future:
  • Soup
  • Pets & Pet Products
  • Guns
I'm interested in seeing how K-mart does this season (Inexpensive cashmere, electronics, and layaway have my wheels turning). I'm getting some positive vibes, although I'd never put my money in a retail establishment right now. I should add K-mart to my TraderPlanet watchlist.

One of my favorite family members is a communist. However, he lives on a commune ( it makes sense to him). And he loves it- hell, I love it (the farm that is). I just also love happen to love Crest toothpaste *trying to imagine a world with only one brand of toothpaste that's not Crest* Scary.
MINT: Communists can be some awesome people.

I apologize for my last post. It was indeed a realization, however the refreshment aspect (the MINT) was highly lacking. The MINT I was trying to get across is that if the only difference in market performance between the presidential candidates is one quarter, I would much rather have a president who is respected by the world rather than one no one trusts. I like his words, his spirit and his enthusiasm. I like this (never before felt by me) pride in our president elect. I'm excited for the future of our country! There was honestly a point in my life, during the Clinton admin believe it or not, that I could not invision myself staying, living, in the United States past the age of 18- none the less being proud of the US! Sad but true.

Then I found out that Barak was raised in Hawai'i! Now there's a refreshing realization!! Everything is gonna be jus fine.